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Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber Of Commerce

Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce

Representing more than 1,100 organisations collectively employing 125,000+ people across all sectors, Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce is the North-east’s leading business membership organisation and the largest Chamber in Scotland. An independent, privately funded organisation, we work locally, nationally and internationally to support businesses from sole traders to multinational corporations in a myriad of ways: From sourcing research and intelligence on our operating environment to providing unrivalled opportunities for networking, business development and best practice exchange. From equipping the region's workforce with the skills to succeed to issuing export documents for goods worth in excess of half a billion pounds every year. From talking up the area and celebrating business success to lobbying for necessary change. And much more. Being a member of Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce can bring significant value to your business. Talk to us today to find out more. The Hub, Exploration Drive, Aberdeen Energy Park, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB23 8GX

Areas Covered: Aberdeenshire

Telephone number: 01224 343900


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